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Books for Reading in Class - Elementary age

Mystery Pose: A Yoga Guessing Game by Andrea Creel

Peaceful Piggy Meditation by Kerry Lee MacLean

Peaceful Piggy Yoga by Kerry Lee MacLean

Moody Cow Meditates by Kerry Lee MacLean

Moody Cow Learns Compassion by Kerry Lee MacLean

Each Breath a Smile by Thich Naht Hahn

Buddha at Bedtime by Dharmachari Nagaraja

My Daddy Is A Pretzel by Baron Baptiste

Imaginations volumes 1,2, 3 by Carolynn Clarke (readings for savasana)

Stress Relief for Kids by Martha Belknap (guided visualization/readings for Savasana)

Let’s Do Yoga Coloring and Activity Book by Kerry Alison Wekelo (I use for coloring before class starts)

Master of Mindfulness: How To Be Your Own Superhero in Times of Stress by Laurie Grossman, Angelina Alvarez, and Mr. Musumeci’s 5th grade class

Audrey’s Journey: Loving Kindness by Kerry Alison Wekelo

The Happiest Tree: A Yoga Story by Uma Krishnaswami

Bubble Riding by Lori Lite (for younger elementary

Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda by Lauren Alderfer

I am Yoga by Susan Verde

I am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness by Susan Verde

Preschool books

ABC Yoga by Christiane Engel

The ABC’s of Kids Yoga by Stafford House

Little Yoga: A Toddler's First Book of Yoga by Rebecca Whittford and Martina Selway

Yoga Bug: Simple Poses For Little Ones by Sarah Jane Hinder

Goodnight Yoga by Sounds True

Good Morning Yoga by Sounds True

Llamaste and Friends

Breathing Is My Superpower by Alicia Ortego

Resource Books

Storytime Yoga by Sydney Solis

Fly Like a Butterfly by Shakta Kaur Khalsa

Mindful Games by Susan Kaiser Greenland

Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids by Eline Snel

Teach, Breathe, Learn by Meena Srinivasan

Breathe, Chill by Lisa Roberts

Yoga for Kids by Liz Lark

Yoga Games for Children by Danielle Bersma and Marjoke Visscher

Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook for Kids

Yoga for Autism and Special Needs

Ready, Set, Breathe by New Harbinger Publications

Games/Activities for Class

Yoga Garden Game

Yogi Fun Cards

Pretzel Cards

Yoga Spinner Game

Yoga Planet Deck
Mindful Kids Cards

Mindful Moments Cards

Props for Class

Eye masks

Zenergy Chimes



Hoberman Sphere

Ribbons for Freeze Dance


Large Dice

Stamp Set

Jumbo Stamp Pad



(for elementary aged kids - current popular music is great, too!)

Dance for the Sun by Kira Willey

Kirtan Kids by Jai Uttal

Apple Tree by Bari Koral

Raining Tacos

Space Unicorn

Pink Fluffy Unicorns

Pig On Her Head (Alternate Version) by Laurie Berkner

Goldfish Song by Laurie Berkner

Jump (for lily pads game)

Macarena (for yoga macarena)
Chakra suite (for relaxation)