Preschool Yoga Class Sample Class Outline

Sing "Are You Ready for Yoga?" song

Sing "I've Been Getting Up for Yoga" body warm up song

Breathing Ball - deep breathing exercise. Everyone gets a turn to open and close the ball!

Practice Sun Salutations with the Sun Salutation Song 

"Fly Like a Butterfly" song with poses - what other animals can we be?  Get suggestions and sing song/do poses for other animals

Sing "Row, row, row your boat" in boat pose - how long can we keep our boats floating??

Listening Bell - each child gets a turn to ring the bell. Everyone else closes their eyes and listens until they can't hear the bell anymore.  When the bell stops ringing, raise your hand.  Teaches focus and concentration.

Relaxation time (3-5 minutes) - guided visualization, lavender relaxation spray, and head/neck massage

Closing - take a moment to notice how you feel at the end of yoga class, and remember something special about yourself, sing Namaste song, wish all of your classmates "Namaste!"